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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic, Version 2.2021, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

Mary B. Daly, Tuya Pal, Michael P. Berry, Saundra S. Buys, Patricia Dickson, Susan M. Domchek, Ahmed Elkhanany, Susan Friedman, Michael Goggins, Mollie L. Hutton, CGC, Beth Y. Karlan, Seema Khan, Catherine Klein, Wendy Kohlmann, CGC, Allison W. Kurian, Christine Laronga, Jennifer K. Litton, Julie S. Mak, LCGC, Carolyn S. Menendez, Sofia D. Merajver, Barbara S. Norquist, Kenneth Offit, Holly J. Pederson, Gwen Reiser, CGC, Leigha Senter-Jamieson, CGC, Kristen Mahoney Shannon, Rebecca Shatsky, Kala Visvanathan, Jeffrey N. Weitzel, Myra J. Wick, Kari B. Wisinski, Matthew B. Yurgelun, Susan D. Darlow, and Mary A. Dwyer

former population. 55 , 57 , 69 – 72 Mutations are also associated with nonmucinous ovarian carcinoma as opposed to mucinous. 56 , 58 Mucinous epithelial ovarian carcinomas may be associated with other gene mutations, such as TP53 mutations, 73 which

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Gene Panel Testing for Inherited Cancer Risk

Michael J. Hall, Andrea D. Forman, Robert Pilarski, Georgia Wiesner, and Veda N. Giri

-ICC) Annual Meeting ; October 7-8, 2013 ; Anaheim, California . 11. Norquist BM Pennington KP Agnew KJ . Characteristics of women with ovarian carcinoma who have BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations not identified by clinical testing . Gynecol Oncol 2013

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Refusal of Recommended Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer: Risk Factors and Outcomes; a National Cancer Data Base Study

Sumer K. Wallace, Jeff F. Lin, William A. Cliby, Gary S. Leiserowitz, Ana I. Tergas, and Robert E. Bristow

ovarian carcinoma . Cancer Surv 1989 ; 8 : 681 – 691 . 3. Longo DL Young RC . The natural history and treatment of ovarian cancer . Annu Rev Med 1981 ; 32 : 475 – 490 . 4. Hainsworth JD Grosh WW Burnett LS . Advanced ovarian

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Prolonged Response to Trastuzumab in a Patient With HER2-Nonamplified Breast Cancer With Elevated HER2 Dimerization Harboring an ERBB2 S310F Mutation

Saranya Chumsri, Jodi Weidler, Siraj Ali, Sohail Balasubramanian, Gerald Wallweber, Lisa DeFazio-Eli, Ahmed Chenna, Weidong Huang, Angela DeRidder, Lindsay Goicocheal, and Edith A. Perez

extracellular domain mutations of ERBB2 . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 ; 109 : 14476 – 14481 . 27. Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network . Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma . Nature 2011 ; 474 : 609 – 615 . 28

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Targets, Trials, and Travails in Pancreas Cancer

Kamel Izeradjene and Sunil R. Hingorani

-trans-retinoic acid eliminates immature myeloid cells from tumor-bearing mice and improves the effect of vaccination . Cancer Res 2003 ; 63 : 4441 – 4449 . 119. Curiel TJ Coukos G Zou L . Specific recruitment of regulatory T cells in ovarian carcinoma

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Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian

Mary B. Daly, Jennifer E. Axilbund, Saundra Buys, Beth Crawford, Carolyn D. Farrell, Susan Friedman, Judy E. Garber, Salil Goorha, Stephen B. Gruber, Heather Hampel, Virginia Kaklamani, Wendy Kohlmann, Allison Kurian, Jennifer Litton, P. Kelly Marcom, Robert Nussbaum, Kenneth Offit, Tuya Pal, Boris Pasche, Robert Pilarski, Gwen Reiser, Kristen Mahoney Shannon, Jeffrey R. Smith, Elizabeth Swisher, and Jeffrey N. Weitzel

mutations. A prospective study . Gynecol Oncol 2007 ; 104 : 7 – 10 . 52. Jazaeri AA Lu K Schmandt R . Molecular determinants of tumor differentiation in papillary serous ovarian carcinoma . Mol Carcinog 2003 ; 36 : 53 – 59 . 53

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Exceptional Response to Olaparib in a Patient With Recurrent Ovarian Cancer and an Entire BRCA1 Germline Gene Deletion

Megan Randall, Kelly Burgess, Lela Buckingham, and Lydia Usha

.1016/j.ygyno.2017.10.032 9. Dao F , Schlappe BA , Tseng J , . Characteristics of 10-year survivors of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma . Gynecol Oncol 2016 ; 141 : 260 – 263 . 10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.03.010 26968641 10. Gadducci A

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Point: Chemosensitivity Assays Have a Role in the Management of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer

Julian C. Schink and Larry J. Copeland

. Clinical relevance of extent of extreme drug resistance inepithelial ovarian carcinoma . Gynecol Oncol 2010 ; 116 : 61 – 65 . 8. Cree IA Kurbacher CM Lamont A . A prospective randomized controlled trial of tumour chemosensitivity assay

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The Adrenal Gland as a Sanctuary Site of Metastases After Pembrolizumab Treatment: A Case Series

Michelle C. Nguyen, Manisha H. Shah, David A. Liebner, Floor J. Backes, John Phay, and Lawrence A. Shirley

. Central nervous system metastases in patients with ovarian carcinoma. A report of 23 cases and a literature review . Ann Oncol 1995 ; 6 : 571 – 574 . 23. Palmieri D Chambers AF Felding-Habermann B . The biology of metastasis to a sanctuary

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Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients with Breast Cancer

Heidi Klepin, Supriya Mohile, and Arti Hurria

hospitalized patients . JAMA 1998 ; 279 : 1187 – 1193 . 5 Freyer G Geay JF Touzet S . Comprehensive geriatric assessment predicts tolerance to chemotherapy and survival in elderly patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma: a GINECO study . Ann