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Prostate Cancer, Version 2.2019, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

James L. Mohler, Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, Andrew J. Armstrong, Anthony V. D’Amico, Brian J. Davis, Tanya Dorff, James A. Eastham, Charles A. Enke, Thomas A. Farrington, Celestia S. Higano, Eric Mark Horwitz, Michael Hurwitz, Joseph E. Ippolito, Christopher J. Kane, Michael R. Kuettel, Joshua M. Lang, Jesse McKenney, George Netto, David F. Penson, Elizabeth R. Plimack, Julio M. Pow-Sang, Thomas J. Pugh, Sylvia Richey, Mack Roach III, Stan Rosenfeld, Edward Schaeffer, Ahmad Shabsigh, Eric J. Small, Daniel E. Spratt, Sandy Srinivas, Jonathan Tward, Dorothy A. Shead, and Deborah A. Freedman-Cass

The NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer include recommendations regarding diagnosis, risk stratification and workup, treatment options for localized disease, and management of recurrent and advanced disease for clinicians who treat patients with prostate cancer. The portions of the guidelines included herein focus on the roles of germline and somatic genetic testing, risk stratification with nomograms and tumor multigene molecular testing, androgen deprivation therapy, secondary hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy in patients with prostate cancer.

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NCCN Guidelines Insights: Prostate Cancer, Version 1.2021

Featured Updates to the NCCN Guidelines

Edward Schaeffer, Sandy Srinivas, Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, Andrew J. Armstrong, Justin E. Bekelman, Heather Cheng, Anthony Victor D’Amico, Brian J. Davis, Neil Desai, Tanya Dorff, James A. Eastham, Thomas A. Farrington, Xin Gao, Eric Mark Horwitz, Joseph E. Ippolito, Michael R. Kuettel, Joshua M. Lang, Rana McKay, Jesse McKenney, George Netto, David F. Penson, Julio M. Pow-Sang, Robert Reiter, Sylvia Richey, Mack Roach, III, Stan Rosenfeld, Ahmad Shabsigh, Daniel E. Spratt, Benjamin A. Teply, Jonathan Tward, Dorothy A. Shead, and Deborah A. Freedman-Cass

The NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer address staging and risk assessment after a prostate cancer diagnosis and include management options for localized, regional, and metastatic disease. Recommendations for disease monitoring and treatment of recurrent disease are also included. The NCCN Prostate Cancer Panel meets annually to reevaluate and update their recommendations based on new clinical data and input from within NCCN Member Institutions and from external entities. This article summarizes the panel’s discussions for the 2021 update of the guidelines with regard to systemic therapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.