Treatment options in locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have evolved considerably over the past few years with the recent approval of multiple systemic therapies and significant advances in locoregional therapy. Given the poor prognosis for patients with unresectable HCC, there is significant interest in rationally designed combination therapies. This article reviews the treatment options available to patients with locally advanced HCC and discusses the rationale, ongoing trials, and future prospects for combining locoregional and systemic therapy in both the definitive and neoadjuvant settings.
Submitted December 4, 2020; accepted for publication March 16, 2021.
Disclosures: Dr. Wehrenberg-Klee has disclosed receiving consulting fees from SIRTEX, and grant/research support from Boston Scientific. Dr. Koay has disclosed receiving grant/research support from Philips Healthcare, General Electric, Elekta, and Stand Up 2 Cancer; and receiving personal fees from RenovoRx and Taylor & Francis, LLC. Dr. Goyal has disclosed serving as a scientific advisor for Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc., Alentis Therapeutics AG, Debiopharm Group, H3 Biomedicine, Incyte Corporation, QED Therapeutics, Sirtex Medical Ltd., and Taiho Oncology Inc; receiving consulting fees from Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc., Alentis Therapeutics AG, Incyte Corporation, QED Therapeutics, Sirtex Medical Ltd., and Taiho Oncology Inc.; and serving as a scientific consultant for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP. Dr. Wo has disclosed receiving grant/research support from Genentech. Dr. Bent has disclosed that he has not received any financial consideration from any person or organization to support the preparation, analysis, results, or discussion of this article.