Although oncology care has evolved, outcome assessment remains a key challenge. Outcome measurement requires identification and adoption of a succinct list of metrics indicative of high-quality cancer care for use within and across healthcare systems. NCCN established an advisory committee, the NCCN Quality and Outcomes Committee, consisting of provider experts from NCCN Member Institutions and other stakeholders, including payers and patient advocacy, community oncology, and health information technology representatives, to review the existing quality landscape and identify contemporary, relevant cancer quality and outcomes measures by reevaluating validated measures for endorsement and proposing new measure concepts to fill crucial gaps. This manuscript reports on 22 measures and concepts; 15 that align with existing measures and 7 that are new.
Submitted September 19, 2019; accepted for publication January 10, 2020.
Disclosures: Dr. D’Amico has disclosed that he is a consultant for Scanlan. Dr. Benson has disclosed that he is a scientific advisor for Envision, Merck, Guardantt, Dava Onc, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, LSK, Association for Value-Based Cancer Care, Threabionic, Terumo, Lexicon, and Incyte. Drs. Green and Meropol have disclosed that they are employees of Flatiron Health, Inc., an independent subsidiary of the Roche Group, and have equity interests in Roche. Dr. Kolodziej has disclosed that he hold stock in CVS. Dr. Kumar has disclosed that he is a scientific advisor for Adaptive Technology and Oncopeptides. The remaining authors have disclosed that they have no financial interests, arrangements, or affiliations with the manufacturers of any products discussed in this article or their competitors.